June 22, 2013

It's happening!

I realize we haven't posted anything since shortly before our arrival in Montreal, and now it's time to head back the other way! Seems like the perfect time to start up again. Today's the day we got the motorcycle into the back of the truck, and it only took four people including me! (So, three people...) After having done the same trip previously on a motorcycle, I feel that Mike is underestimating how much we can pack in a very large truck, whereas he thinks I'm overestimating how much will fit. The winner shall be decided on Monday, as that's the only day before our move where the forecast doesn't call for torrential downpour. Fingers crossed that we can stay in a little pocket of sunshine for most of the way across.

Motorcycle Jean in the truck! I realize this isn't the best shot, but it was raining really hard...

It's happening! There's no going back now!
Our plan is to leave super early Tuesday morning as the truck has to be back home by July 5th. Seems completely nuts to me considering our last trip took an entire month, but Mike and Rick did in in four days so I'm sure we can make it before the deadline.

Our year in Montreal deserves a separate blog post, coming soon I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Well,
    It seems like the Two Wheels Dream has transformed itself into a 4 wheels dream :)
    Looking forward to reading the daily Blog with my morning coffee...
    We'll be seeing you soon
    Have a Bon Voyage
