April 29, 2012

Unidentifed Fungi Objects

Finally, a whole day in one spot! Time to go exploring.

Bamberton Wildlife
A slug
A butterfly
A Michael

In addition to the local wildlife we found a ton of mushrooms! Most (all but one) we were unable to identify using our very basic mushroom brochure (once we got back I looked them up in my dad's more comprehensive mushroom books). But they made for some exciting hunting, and kept us entertained trying to guess how poisonous they might be...until finally we landed upon a single choice edible: the Yellow Morel.

Amanita Variety
Described as "even more poisonous" with one of the symptoms produced being a state of berserk frenzy.

Rib-stalked Cup
Yellow Morel


  1. I used to like the mushrooms that made you laugh and throw up.
