July 29, 2012

Cabin Fever

This morning we went for a quick barefoot beach run (a run!) followed by a swim and some coffee with grilled cheese sandwiches, thanks to some help from our other neighbours who gladly let us use their grill after our first attempt at toasted bread resulted in a charred sandwich stuck to the pan. Then we pulled our sleeping pads out from the tent and onto the lake for some lazy floating around and sunbathing. Although an entire shelf in the nearby 70 mile store was dedicated to mosquito repellent, along with a cartoon of bugs searching for their next "victim" (they actually used the word victim) by the till, this lake was almost entirely bug free! We never had any problems during our stay.

In the afternoon we stopped by the store to pick up more supplies and drove up the road to the Debeck & Russell's "Cabin Fever". The night before I'd received a text from my dad telling me that our family friends Howie and Ruth were staying nearby and that we should goo see if we could "score a free meal". And score we did! But before we got to the dinner portion of the day, there was the water skiing portion...

Following a brief lesson from Howie (keep your knees together, let the boat do the work), Mike donned some water skis for the first time and off we went! Highlights below:

Skis—attempt #1
Wakeboard—attempt #2
After fun on the water, the youngest member of Cabin Fever, Lily, showed Mike how to really throw a frisbee. Apparently Mike wasn't very good since he hit her in the ankle once instead of aiming for the ground directly in front of her. Just like me when I was her age, Lily doesn't actually "catch" frisbees.

Lily's excellent follow-through.
Then we all sat down for a dinner of pork loin, baked potatoes, vegetables and corn on the cob. Not that our campfire cooking isn't great, but this meal will definitely be one of the top ones of the trip.

The "kids" table.
With full bellies, a case full of firewood and a group send-off from the Cabin Fever crew, we headed back to our camp for some much-needed rest before tomorrow's ride.

1 comment:

  1. Great shots Sonia !
    Mike looks like is already an expert
    Food look goooood.
    Worth the stop over !
    Great weather !
